When at sea and away from easy internet connections, email communication is still available via Narnia’s HF Radio and WinLink email. The host of s/v Narnia’s blog allows updates via email by providing special tags within the email text. The Winlink radio email network allows the crew of Narnia to connect to various Ham Radio stations around the world to send and receive mail. It’s a great system if you have your Ham License.
Messages are composed on a computer connected to a Pactor III MODEM (via bluetooth) that is connected to the HF Radio (iCom MC-802). Info: https://www.winlink.org/
This post was sent via Winlink and automatically added to svNarnia’s Facebook page.
Dan (KJ6FJY)
Note. Narnia also carries a satellite messaging system (Garmin inReach), but the fidelity and length of messages are very limited.
Position: 37.838617:-122.30917
Course: 121 deg
Speed: 0 kts
Wind_Speed: 5 Knots
Wind Direction: SSW
Clouds: 90 % . . .
Visibility: 5 Nautical Miles
Air Temp: 57 Fahrenheit
Wave Ht: 0 Feet
Wave Period: 0 Seconds
Swell Heigth: 0 Feet
Swell Period: 0 Seconds