Narnia gets an Entertainment Upgrade

It was a gorgeous day in the SF Bay area today. A perfect day for boat projects.

Narnia came to us with a circa 2005 22″ LCD TV. The TV actually still worked fine, but it wasn’t really viewable except from straight on, drew 70W of power, and it lacked support for modern streaming technology. It was also a lot of weight (11 lbs) to be hanging on the wall.

The lack of streaming would have been an easy fix with a dongle of some sort, but the other 2 issues were not so easy. We decided to replace it with a lightweight (5 lbs), Energy Star, modern 24″ LCD. The features would also allow us to wirelessly display information from our various navigation systems(Navionics, OpenCPN, YachtDevices).

Install was pretty much remove and replace, but we needed to run/splice in a new power cord. We should have run an extra HDMI cable while I had the conduit off. Oh well. Next time.

We are quite please with the results. Even Scotty was impressed.

Sue ran the engine and exercised the transmission and steering.

Scotty also took us on a nice lunchtime walk.

Narnia gets an Entertainment Upgrade

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