• Emeryville
    Lat: 37.841 , Lng: -122.311

Post Sailboat Show Spending for Winter Projects

We made if home from the Sailboat Show in Annapolis without buying anything for Narnia other then a couple of nautical dish towels and hats, but the trap had been set. For some time we knew that we would need to update Narnia’s circa 2005 electronics suite. Although it is all still basically functional, and we have been replacing pieces as they fail, it has been getting harder (and more expensive) to source certain parts to keep it maintained.

With boatyard work looming for a haul-out/bottom painting in 2022, we decided that now was the time bite the bullet and order replacements now so that we could take advantage of the time on the hard to swap out the transducers. We will also need to pull the mast to address some other issues, so we will use that opportunity to replace the old battery draining RADAR unit with something a bit more modern and power friendly.

The new hardware has been ordered and is in route. Post Sailboat Show is sure expensive!. We should be able to sell some of the old parts to recover some of the costs.

We also put Narnia’s enclosure up today. Let the rainy season begin.

Here’s the current plan.

  • Simrad CR34 MFD will be replaced with a B&G Zeus 3s
  • Simrad RADAR will be replaced with a B&G HALO20+
  • Partially functioning Speed paddle will be replaced with a Speed, Temp, Depth combo unit.
  • Depth transducer will be replaced with a ForwardScan transducer
  • Combo gauge for Speed/Depth (with proprietary connections to transducers) will be replaced with B&G Triton 2 Gauge
  • Failing wind gauge will be replaces with B&G Triton 2 Gauge
  • A masthead wind unit came with the kit (cheaper to buy kit with masthead unit then to buy without, go figure) so may swap it out and keep the old unit as a backup.

Ready for Rain.

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