• Emeryville
    Lat: 37.841 , Lng: -122.311

Tonga Volcano Eruption Causes California Tsunami Warnings, S/V Narnia is Safe

For our family and friends that have been following the West Coast Tsunami impacts and reaching out by phone, email, text and message, please know that Narnia and crew are doing fine. Dan was staying overnight on Narnia and was on board when the Tsunami news hit. The marina staff was proactive in checking on boats to ensure they were secured prior to the predicted arrival of the surge, but did not order evacuation. We experienced between 1-2 feet of tidal movement at our dock, but the overall impact was negligible. This is a result of our marina’s location on the bay. Other marinas on SF bay did evacuate and saw larger effects from the tidal surge.

Thank you everyone for your concern. All is well

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