• Lat: -82.863 , Lng: 135.000

Machu Picchu / Antarctica December 2023

The temperature outside our based land home was hovering above 112 degrees over the last weekend, a bit too hot for outdoor activities, so we passed the time surfing our favorite travel sites. Oh, the danger of Labor Day Travel Sales!

As some may remember, we had to cancel the Machu Picchu portion of our South America/Galapagos trip in 2021 due to Peru closing travel due to COVID outbreaks. We were exploring options for an inexpensive land tour back to Peru when Dan came across a tour package that combined Sacred Valley/Machu Picchu with a cruise to Cape Horn/Antarctica over the 2023 Christmas Holiday. Cape Horn and Antarctica have also been near the top of our travel bucket list so, when combined with Machu Picchu, this was almost ideal. We quickly booked our spot.

As always, more to follow as we get closer to the travel date. We’ve included the itinerary below. For now, we are concentrating on our upcoming October, 2022 trip to Alaska and our 44 Day Adventure from Bangkok, Thailand to Athens, Greece in April 2023.

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