• กทม
    Lat: 13.756 , Lng: 100.502

Update: Marco Polo 2023. Itinerary Changes and Plane Tickets

As folks know, we generally tend to plan our longer duration bucket list travels well in advance, and this trip is no exception. We have been in the planning stages for well over a year and yesterday we reached another milestone. We have finalized our high level itinerary, ticketed all of our flights, and reserved hotels and rental cars. We will need to firm up some local in-country tours as we approach the arrival dates in those areas.

We are still working on a couple of travel visas/medical certifications as there are restrictions on how far in advance we can apply and requirements are constantly changing.

There have been changes to the itinerary since we last updated in May 2022, the highlights are:

  • Decided to book a flight that stopped in Qatar on our way to Thailand. (Check 1 off the bucket list)
  • We will be spending 3 extra days exploring Bangkok before heading to Cambodia
  • Saudi Arabia has been added as an additional port of call. (Check another off the bucket list)
  • Added several days stopover in Germany before we continue our flight home

As it stands now, this trip will be just over 52 days in length. We will make updates as we get closer to departure.

We also have other 2023 travel plans in the works including a 15 day voyage to Hawaii in January.


  1. Dan, We are on the first leg of a world cruise..(Viking) .. most of our fellow travelers will be on this cruise for 4 months..(and we thought 3 weeks was a long time)!

    • Sounds exciting Robin!! Can’t wait to hear more!

      We decided that an actual world cruise was a bit too long for us to be aboard a ship without “land breaks” so we are making our own path around the world with flights, land and cruises (and (several “pauses” in between)

      • Yes we are only going as far as L.A.. World cruise sound intriguing.. but so much planning for the trip and also the logistics at home.. so we are not quite ready for a trip that long..

  2. Hope our time zones match up!! I’m gonna miss you.

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