We have a leak!

Heavy windy wet rainstorm today. When we got to Narnia (planned two night stay), discovered that forward cabin floor was flooded and bilge pump earning its keep… Looks like we have a leak at the mast boot that runs down the mast in the forward stateroom into the bilge area…


Sue Passed Her Sailing Certification!!

Congratulations! Sue passed all of her tests with flying colors (she actually beat Dan on some). Sue is now a “certified sailor” ⛵️ keelboat.. basic coastal cruising… and bareboat cruising. Wahooo! 1 week Live Aboard classes on s/v Journey in La Paz, Mexico. Sailing the Sea of Cortez. Gorgeous area.


Getting Sailing Certification

Time to start studying… 7 day live aboard sailing class starts in 3 weeks in Mexico.. Excited to get my Bareboat and Coastal Cruising certifications… Hope to get a little “smarter and/or wiser”.. if not, should have a good suntan…!



Success! Dan is now able to send email via ham radio frequencies (no WiFi or internet needed). The last email he sent, he was able to connect to a ham radio station 1,478 miles away in Narnia’s home state of Texas to deposit the email for delivery back to California…..


Narnia’s 3rd Sail on the bay

Wonderful 3rd sail on Narnia. 22 knot winds, full Jib for a long time, went around Angel Island through Raccoon Straights and Narnia got to good view of the Golden Gate Bridge. Highest speed under sail was 8.3 knots on a close reach towards the wind. She is loving the…
