In search of the Christmas Spirit

After a brief respite at the hotel we went back out in search of Christmas Spirit. We strolled back across the river and found the old town square bustling with light and life. Locals and tourists, young and old, couples and families were out happily enjoying the brisk night air,…


A Walk Around Prague

‘This morning we left our hotel in Lesser Town Prague for an early morning private walking tour of Old Prague. We explored the city with the the help of our awesome local guide who showed us around the various “must see” sites of the area. The 3 of us spent…


You can call me Captain!

As of December 8, 2021 you can call me Captain! It began back in August of 2021 when I came across an ad in our marina’s monthly newsletter. A local maritime training school was offering “in-person” US Coast Guard Captains License training (OUPV/6 Pack) during the pandemic. I have always…


3 Mile Paddle Exploring the New Wetlands

We posted earlier about the Tidal Wetlands Restoration that is happening around our home in the delta and how it is opening up new areas and habitats, well we decided to take advantage of this perfect November day to explore some of the newly created waterways. As we are unsure…


Out with the Old, In with the New

Phase 1 of Narnia’s electronics refit is well underway. Info on the refit is here and here. This week we removed the old Simrad CR34 Chart Plotter, IS12 Wind Gauge and the IS12 Depth Gauge. We are keeping the Auto-Pilot so had to retain the AP-16 control head . We…


Christmas Comes Early for Narnia

Christmas came early at the land based house. Narnia’s new electronics have arrived!! This should keep the crew busy in planning/design mode until her haul-out and minor re-fit in Q1 2022. You can read more about that plan here. In the meantime, we have lots to read and learn as…


Throwback Thursday

Since we are attending the Annapolis Sailboat Show today, I thought it would be fun to include a post from one of our 1st sails on Narnia. 3 years ago today. From 10/14/2018 Post: Great day sailing. We hove-to for lunch outside of Angel Island. First time with all three…


Monday in Annapolis Maryland

While Sue was busy at the hotel running conference calls/earning $ to support my retirement life/boating addiction, I took a 6 mile walk along the beautiful trails of Quiet Waters Park in Annapolis. It was a warm muggy day and the park was fairly deserted. I hope Sue will join…


Sunday in Annapolis Maryland

Sunday, October 10th 2021: First full day of our visit to Maryland found us playing tourist and visiting some lighthouses along the Chesapeake Bay. We drove South from Annapolis to the Solomon Islands area to walk around downtown and visit the Drum Point Lighthouse. We then continued South, passing through…
