• San Cristobal
    Lat: -0.867 , Lng: -89.436

Kicker Rock and San Cristóbal island

Friday 9/24/2021 San Cristobal Island, Galapagos: The morning was spent cruising around the iconic Kicker Rock. This is supposed to be the best dive/snorkel spot in the Galapagos, but alas we were only cruising by on our way to the beach at Punta Pitt on San Cristóbal island.

We had a wet landing on the beach and proceeded up a steep rocky trail in search of the red-footed booby. We have seen blue-footed boobies and nazca boobies on some of the earlier islands (and on this island as well), but this was our first sighting of the red-footed booby. As its name implies, it has very red feet.

Another wonderful evening meal with our new Galapagos traveling friends was followed by a game of Galapagos trivia. Dan won 1st prize, beating out all of the other contestants from the ship! OK, there were only 2 other people playing, and they were both from our new group of friends, but he still won ? . We should note that another member of our new traveling friends, Marie, took 1st place in the Galapagos crossword challenge.

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