• Quito
    Lat: -0.181 , Lng: -78.468

Quito and Latitude Zero

Spent a great day exploring Old Town Quito, Ecuador as well as the Intinan Museum (Museum of the Indigenous Peoples)

Some of the notable highlights of the old town were: Basílica del Voto Nacional (Bacilica of the National Vow), Monastery of Saint Francis, The La Iglesia de la Compañía de Jesús ( Gorgeous Jesuit Church, they don’t allow interior photos), and the old town square surrounded by the various government buildings.

We enjoyed a lunch of local Ecuadorian cuisine at the Museo Dominicano de Arte Fray Pedro Bedón (Church of Santa Domingo Art Museum) in old town Quito before journeying North Intinan Museum which happens to be located directly on the equator at Latitude Zero.

We had had dinner at La Gloria (Peruvian Cuisine). Sue is in heaven as she has now had ceviche 3 times so far in Ecuador, and Dan is getting his fill of Plantains and Bananas.

Our stay in Quito was part of the organized pre-Galapagos tour. We had a 4 other people in our tour group (for a total of 6) not including the tour guide and the armed security guard that traveled with us. We had mandatory temperature checks at each exhibit, masks were always required, as was abundant use of hand sanitizer.
Tomorrow morning, we have an early morning health screen (including another COVID Test) before we board our flight to Baltra, Galapagos.

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