• Nuku Hiva
    Lat: -8.796 , Lng: -140.225

Goodbye Marquesas, Hello Society

After more then 5 weeks on board SV Dreamer, the time has come to say farewell to David and Chris in Nuku Hiva, Marquesas Islands and fly to reunite with my lovely wife in Tahiti, Society Islands. I woke up early Sunday morning, and after quick breakfast, David transported me, my luggage and Dreamer’s trash via dinghy to the landing dock in Taioha’e Bay to await my taxi to the airport.

There were a total of 5 of us in the Toyota Pickup/taxi for the 1.5 hour drive across the mountains to the airport. I rode up front with the driver, the others rode in the back with the luggage. After a couple of delays to let the goats and pigs cross the road, I arrived at the airstrip. Check-in was informal with no passenger/luggage screening. Knives and other large sharp objects were freely carried aboard the flight. No masks in the terminal. They did ask if I had any lithium batteries 🙂

The 3.5 hour Turboprop flight from Nuku Hiva to Tahiti was was uneventful and I soon found my long suffering wife/partner in crime waiting for me outside of baggage claim! It was a joyful reunion! Sue had flown in the day before and had made all the arrangements for our journey! A quick taxi ride and we were deposited at our “resort hotel”. What a culture shock after living on board a small boat for over a month. I love you honey! We will spend a week here so I can extend the dream a bit more before flying back home to the US and “reality”.

Thank you David, Chris and Dreamer, the sail across the Pacific has been on the Bucket List for a long time.

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