Lat: 64.147 , Lng: -21.943

Exploring Reykjavik on Foot

We took a nice 7 mile walk around Reykjavik. Many of the stores and attractions are still closed and maybe a handful or two of tourists. Highlights of our walk today included the Braud & Co Bakery (delicious croissants), the Hallgrimskirkja Chapel (closed), the Old Town Harbor area including the dry docks which Dan loved, the Harpa Concert Hall, Viking Sun Voyager sculpture followed by Sue’s favorite stop which was the Höfði House (this is where Reagan and Gorbachev summit meeting was held in 1986 which marked the beginning of the end of the Cold War).

We had a tasty lunch after the walk at Jörgensen Kitchen & Bar (Sue was craving a salad), we ended up sharing two lunch menu specials: Beet cured salmon salad and an Atlantic Artic char fish special with garbanzo beans. The price was very reasonable (by Icelandic standards) and we have enough leftovers for dinner tonight.

Tomorrow is our longest driving day of our trip, we spent the last few hours mapping out the drive and places we want to stop including gas stations (we are leaving the “heavily” populated Reykjavik area, have to plan for gas stations (at least this is what we have been told))…

Fun fact: Total population of Iceland is 364,135 people covering 39,770 square miles (the capital is Reykjavik has 131,136 of the 364,135 total population for the country). Compared to the closest US states of approximately the same square area: Ohio (population of 11million people), Kentucky (population of 4.5 million people) & Virginia with 8.4 million people.

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