We’re Off to Iceland! (finally)

We are finally off to Iceland. We flew from Oakland to Seattle on 5/13/2021 were we spent the night. The Seattle airport was a culture shock to say the lease. We have been social distancing / isolating for over a year and boarding in OAK was quiet and a bit…


Low Tide and Paddling on SF Bay

The negative tide was a bit too low for Narnia to navigate the channel for sailing this morning so I opted for a morning paddle on SF Bay. It was a gorgeous Spring day with almost no wind and dead calm in the bay. There was not another boat to…


Narnia gets an Entertainment Upgrade

It was a gorgeous day in the SF Bay area today. A perfect day for boat projects. Narnia came to us with a circa 2005 22″ LCD TV. The TV actually still worked fine, but it wasn’t really viewable except from straight on, drew 70W of power, and it lacked…


Sunday Sunset

We’re spending the weekend aboard Narnia and enjoying the Spring-like weather here in Northern California. We spent the day knocking out some small boat projects, decluttering and cleaning. The to-do list never ends. Scotty is enjoying his walks around the marina. We never get tired of the sunsets.


Narnia’s Little Sister

Our wonderful neighbors (Patty and Bob) shared some gorgeous photos of our small Capri 18 sailboat (Narnia’s little sister) that we keep docked behind our home in the delta. Photos of the Capri are as viewed from their backyard. We are truly fortunate to live in such a beautiful waterfront…


Line Mystery on Narnia

It has been a rather wet and blustery week here in Northern California, so I decided I had better head down to the marina to check on Narnia. Upon arrival I noticed that one of the spinnaker halyards had wedged itself behind the port spreader light about 30′ up the…


How it all began with Narnia

We were camping in the RV at Half Moon Bay over Memorial Day weekend in 2018, and as was our habit at the time, we were perusing Yacht World and dreaming about sailing off around the world. Ever since we sold our last “Big Boat” in 2010 (a 2005 Hunter…


First Sail of 2021

So here it is January 9, 2021 in Northern California, and the weather feels like Spring. Warm and sunny with a light Southwesterly breeze just strong enough to fill the sails. It was a perfect day to take Narnia’s little sister, the Capri 18 that we keep docked behind our…
